Duality: A Global Engagement Journey

Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
Global Communications My Duality

Growing Up in Paris

Growing up in the heart of Paris, France, more specifically in the 17th district or “17eme arrondissesment” profoundly shaped my identity as a dual citizen of both France and the United States. As I reflect on my upbringing, a pivotal aspect of my daily life was being situated on a vibrant market street, which not …

Global Communications Language Study My Duality

Early Years in Mexico City

From the age of 2 to the age of  5, I had the unique experience of living in Mexico City due to my father’s work assignment with Danone. This period left an indelible mark on my early childhood, shaping my linguistic abilities, educational foundation, and cultural understanding in profound ways. Living in Mexico City immersed …

Global Perspective Coursework Language Study My Duality

Spanish Classes and Group Tutoring

During my freshman and sophomore years at Wesleyan University, I embarked on a profound journey into Spanish culture through weekly tutoring sessions with a tutor from Madrid. This unique experience outside the traditional classroom setting was pivotal in enhancing my Spanish skills and fostering a deeper intercultural appreciation for the Spanish and South American worlds. …
